Monday 1 July 2013

Never Enough

Lord, give the strength to walk away when another god wants to take your place....this are part of the lyrics of one of recently discovered favourite songs.
For me it has never been so true when I find myself caught up in an endless stream of buying and coveting clothes and shoes and what not. In this age we live in, in which consumerism is what we live's so easy to be caught up in 'keeping up'. I tend to only buy things when they're on sale or when they're from the thrift store but even then more often than not I never need it. Yes it's nice to own nice things but considering I am a student..this is far from the frugal life I'm apparently supposed to be living..oh well but back to Consumerism, i feel it's a poison slowly killing society, a society that now compromises values over a buck...really though?? But the day I realised, well you know when you say "I just have to have it" you really? do you? But when I accepted I was victim to trends and would rather have a fabulous pair of shoes over food..I knew it was a no no...It's not one wants to be the frumpy person who's not up to date but even amidst throwing my money you ever feel empty..just empty after all there is really no definite answer to whether money can buy happiness...Happiness, the pursuit of Happiness, what would we do just to be happy? I digress, but I was made to ponder on the innate desire of our souls to know the Creator, and that is why there is nothing, nothing that can even be bought that will satisfy this desire. I have thought of having so much money, where'd I'd actually say I have too much money..."Things nobody says" lol but really have you wanted something so bad and you finally get it and you're .."meh" loses it's appeal but when it was out of reach it seemed you couldn't leave without it. That's the empty feeling I'm talking about, I've said if I could just have those life will be complete...I  have the shoes...only worn them once...ha.ha, but seriously it's things like this that make us lose the main point of the life we are called to live. Don't get sidetracked by trifling things that won't last forever. I don't want anything to take the place of the joy I have found in Christ, the love of God..indeed Lord give me the strength to walk away from those cute sparkly shoes that would cost my

p.s. I'm not saying shoes are bad..i'm just saying don't get caught up :)

God is love, bye now

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