Tuesday 11 June 2013

Who am I?

Who am I?
Do you ever really find yourself asking that question?
I'm taking a business course that also takes in some psychological aspects and we had to submit a self assessment and this question came up.

The main point of the assessment was also to note if we identified ourselves more with a group (e.g I am a Girl Scout..random example but you get the picture) or personally...I am ..creative.

In a world that's constantly changing, I feel we also have to change. But I've found myself agreeing or rather giving in, completely compromising what I say or claim I believe in. I've learnt there's a complete difference between espoused and enacted values. We're somewhat quick to claim we have good values but have I been acting out my 'good' values? Actions truly speak louder than words and when I look back and analyse my actions as I usually tend to do, I am almost the person I'd scoff at.

Of late I've been somewhat(I love this word) distant, I the day I finally confessed I am 'somewhat' stuck up, made me realize I am becoming the person I detested. I want to be a channel of peace. When people think of me, it should somehow make them happier; you know those people, the people whose mere presence has the ability to make everything or everyone feel better, I'd love that.

Oh for my class result, I identified with myself personally, and I accredited this to my introvert nature. Introverts tend to be somewhat or appear to have anti-social tendencies and boy have I gone all in. But its a bitter introversion I have. Clearly the world favors extroverts and though I know I could never really be, I still wish I could be the life of the party. But life should never be a pity party. I'll be the best introvert I could be...in a good way...But Peace and Love...God is Love
